We do not allow canonical links to blog networks or social networks (ex: wordpress.com, reddit.com, linkedin.com, medium.com).
The point of our canonical links is to help the writer’s domain or the company’s domain grow. When you host your blog on a subdomain owned by another company, you are powering their domain and their brand, not yours.
Put simply: canonical links to david.com are ok! Canonical links to david.wordpress.com are not allowed.
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Table of Contents:
1. Editing Protocol Overview 1.a. Second Human Rule1.a.i. Verified Writers1.b. Time to Review2. Standards of Quality2.a. Originality Score2.b. 6 Ws Score2.c. Objectivity in ranked listicles2.d. Unranked listicles2.e. Actionable advice3. Red Flags3.a. Subject Matter3.a.i. Subject matter saturation3.b. Plagiarism3.c. Sources and Citations3.d. Formatting is bad or broken3.e. Grammar level: gibberish3.f. Story is Too Short🔗 4. Backlink Rules & Guidelines
4.a. Backlink Limits4.b. Banklink quality and diversity4.b.i. Diversity of sources4.b.ii. Internal linking4.b.iii. Changing links4.c. Reposting and Canonical Linking4.c.i. Canonical links to company domain4.c.ii. Canonical links to blog networks or social networks