
1.a.i. Verified Writers

Verified writers have the ability to publish directly to the HackerNoon site without going through our editorial team. They are honored on the HackerNoon platform with a green verified checkmark next to their username.


We give these writers the ability to bypass the second human rule, only because they’ve gone through our editorial process many times and have consistently written publishable and outstanding content. They have effectively gone through our second human rule countless times and have gained the trust of our editorial team.

Verified writers are longtime contributors, writers who have completed our Hackership program, or are alumni of our blogging fellowship.

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⏱️1.b. Time to Review

Table of Contents:

πŸ“—1. Editing Protocol Overview πŸ‘«1.a. Second Human Ruleβœ…1.a.i. Verified Writers⏱️1.b. Time to Review
⭐2. Standards of QualityπŸ†•2.a. Originality Score❓2.b. 6 Ws Score🀨2.c. Objectivity in ranked listiclesπŸ”’2.d. Unranked listiclesπŸ€›2.e. Actionable advice
3. Red Flags3. Red FlagsπŸ“Ί3.a. Subject MatterπŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«3.a.i. Subject matter saturation🀬3.b. Plagiarism🧐3.c. Sources and CitationsπŸ’”3.d. Formatting is bad or broken😡3.e. Grammar level: gibberish🩳3.f. Story is Too Short

πŸ”— 4. Backlink Rules & Guidelines

β›”4.a. Backlink LimitsπŸ‘4.b. Banklink quality and diversityℹ️4.b.i. Diversity of sourcesπŸ₯‚4.b.ii. Internal linkingπŸ”„4.b.iii. Changing linksπŸ“«4.c. Reposting and Canonical Linking🏬4.c.i. Canonical links to company domainπŸ“4.c.ii. Canonical links to blog networks or social networks