Rules for Brand Story Publishing

Rules for Brand Story Publishing

So you wanna be the best brand publishing on HackerNoon, like no one ever was?


Well, you’re in luck. Here we’ll outline the top 10 rules and tips for publishing about your brand on HackerNoon. Follow these, along with our backlink rules, and you’ll be good to go!

1. No PRs or Advertorials

Brands on HackerNoon are not allowed to publish press releases or advertorials. Instead, brands on HN publish guides, thought leadership, and deep-dives into tech to show off their expertise and improve brand reputation and recognition.


Here are samples of some of the best brand profiles and stories on HackerNoon that your brand should replicate. These samples show how best to promote your knowledge and your brand through thought leadership articles:


2. Your Brand Profile MUST Be Filled Out Fully

Before you can publish on HackerNoon as a brand, your profile needs the following:

  1. Logo as the profile image
  2. Company name as username
  3. Company name as handle
  4. Company bio filled in
  5. At least 2 social media accounts linked

3. Brand Profile Must be Linked to Official Brand Email

Your account sign-in must be linked to an email address with the brand’s domain. Gmail and yahoo mail, for example, are not allowed.

4. Backlinking to Your Brand is OK in Moderation

The main rule to follow is 1 link to your brand per 500 words, and you must also link to BOTH HackerNoon articles and other reputable sources on the web to show a diversity of links.

5. Brand Products and Content Must Be Tech Related

HackerNoon is primarily a tech publication, so keep the content about tech. We also DON’T ALLOW any of the following topics:

  • Essay writing services (and alike)

6. Reposts From Your Corporate Blog MUST be Retitled

Original content is best. Reposts tend to get shared less and picked up less often by RSS feeds and our media partners.

However, reposts from your corporate blog are allowed, so long as they are retitled. If you don’t retitle it, our editors will. Along with the retitle, be sure to add a reworded intro to match the HackerNoon audience.

Note: The editorial team at HackerNoon is constantly improving our guidelines. If you see past articles on HackerNoon that might constitute an advertorial or go against these rules, please let us know and we’ll take the articles down accordingly.