Homepage Curation and Noonification Machine!

Homepage Curation and Noonification Machine!


Homepage Curation

The Hacker Noon Homepage is updated every day with top stories as well as most recent stories from some of the most popular tags such as programming, startups, decentralization, technology, gaming, and others.

In order to be featured on the Hacker Noon Homepage, please make sure to include some of the most relevant tags in your stories. If your story's quality is high enough, one of our editors will add the tag hackernoon-top-story to your draft, effectively featuring it at the top of the homepage.



Stories that are featured on homepage also get distributed via the Noonification machine that gets sent to over 100k inboxes daily. Learn more about the Noonification here.

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Our editors mark only 7–10% of stories as top stories. Previously, people could see those stories atop the homepage but had no way to get only those stories delivered to their inbox.

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